Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Rooftop Danceoff

I went to the roof and these guys waved from a nearby roof and did a little dance. So I repeated. They apparently liked the way my booty bounced, and they did another couple of moves. It escalated into a full out danceoff, mostly Indian style, during which my moves received both cheers and applauses. Clear winner = me. [insert photos].

That was how this blog post was setup until I got the photos off my camera. I finally found a place to upload the photos to my backup drive today. When I plugged it in, lo and behold, the computer deleted all my photos. No more India photos. The Taj Mahal, the camel safari, the desert mountains, all gone. Use your imgaination folks. The competitors in the danceoff were really adorable little kids. About 10 of them vs. me.

UPDATE 4/5/2010:
Photos Added


  1. well done with the danceoff, did you magically take your underwear off with one hand? Brain. He's so hot right now. Brian.

    Sucks about your photos man. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Its no fun. Have fun and don't let the machine get you down. Keep dancin, see you in Chiang Mai.

  2. That blows about your pictures. I feel like for someone who loves taking pictures so much, this happens to you a lot (Europe...)

    In the future - there will be a camera that doesn't get lost, stolen, broken, or delete pictures accidentally. It is foretold. So it shall be done.

    Looking forward to seeing you.
