Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's tough to judge my new friends

Quick Updates:
  • Danielle has arrived, and we made it to Agra, home of the Taj Mahal
  • The Taj Mahal is amazing. I think we sat there for about five hours
  • We are now in Udaipur, home of a lake in the middle of the desert
  • It was 102 degrees Fahrenheit the other day... can't wait for the cold Michigan summer
  • I saw Windows Millenium Edition on a computer yesterday
  • As such, uploading pictures may be difficult because SD readers didn't exist in computers back then

Delhi Belly, as they call it, is not fun. I am through my first round of Cipro (antibiotic) and feeling better again, but "hells bells," it was awful. According to my wishes in my first India post, I did manage to feel well until the third day, and following my course, the third day has brought a rumbly tummy to Danielle. But I've gotta say, I feel damn jovial.

I alluded to this in the last post, but I did manage to make some Indian friends while alone in Delhi. They showed me around, bought me a Chai tea, we had some laughs and exchanged some cultural tidbits--they were mostly intrigued with sex and Westerners (me) having had it and how to talk to girls and the ping pong shows of Thailand [And actually, other Indians who have travelled to Thailand all seem to visit Pathaya, Phuket, and Patpong of Bangkok... repressed sexuality]. Back to it, these guys were nice, albeit awkward in a confused teenage boy sort of way, and so we exchanged numbers with the idea of meeting up the next night for a drink.

Pleased with myself, I headed back to my room to rest after the exhausting day. Within minutes, I get my first phone call from Shan (the one with the phone).

S: Hey, where do you want to meet in the morning?
B: Uh, what do you mean, we are meeting tomorrow night?
S: I know, but where is your hotel so we can pick you up in the morning?
B: The plan is to meet tomorrow night, I want to do my own thing during the day.
S: I understand what you mean, but when do you want to meet in the morning? We can pick you up.
B: Ok, I don't want to meet tomorrow morning. I will just call you tomorrow at five in the afternoon, and we will make plans then.
S: I think we should make plans now, where are you staying?
B: I will call you tomorrow at five o'clock.

I get a text from another number moments later (the other friend), saying that we should meet in the morning and asking where I am staying. I don't respond. They proceed to call me again and again. That night: 7 missed calls. I decide that we shouldn't meet. The next day: 13 missed calls. The next day: 7 missed calls. The next day: 3 missed calls (not bad). The next day: 8 missed calls (shit). Today: 5 missed calls. I am in my second city since Delhi. Be wary of new friends, as nice as they may seem.

Until next time.

UPDATE 4/6/2010:
Photos Added--Agra and Delhi

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