Wednesday, March 24, 2010

But new friends can be nice (I think)

I met another set of two similarly-aged Indian fellows in Delhi, but these ones were all nice (although they did try to sell me a trip to Kashmer, a dangerous town, especially for foreigners, due to the fact that the middle of the town is split by the Pakistan-India border). I visited their sister's home where she served me Chai tea (and then the brother-in-law/husband came home and yelled ferociously at the two and kicked us out. I apologized modestly, and he said slightly less angrily that it's okay but I need to leave immediately). Then we went to their home where they cooked me food and shared hookah with me (they showed me Kashmer photos and told me their houseboat in Kashmer was nice). We were going to meet the next day to exchange phone numbers (not after last time, but thank you for your hospitality). They told me that they had seen their brother-in-law kill someone before (...).

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting nervous. After Danielle leaves just head to the Dalai Lama's. He'll keep you from harm.
