Thursday, March 18, 2010

India, meet your bitch: Thailand

If I ever thought Thailand was crazy, then India is just a whole other beast. I arrived last night and was driven to my hotel from the airport. I was too scared to leave my room after walking down the twisting, pee-smelling alleys to reach my hostel. So I didn't. And that was after dodging poop and coconuts and stray goats and cows on the main road before we got out of the car and into the alley. And there are people everywhere. They are all so nice and want to be your friend... then they take you to their friend's shop or restaurant twenty minutes out of the way from where you thought you were actually going. Then you have a hard time shaking them because the conversation was so polite and enjoyable until you realized it was a con. I cannot wait to leave the city. Danielle, mi travel compadre, hurry up and get here and we'll head to the beautiful rural areas I've been dreaming of. Not that this isn't at least a bit fun and exciting, don't y'all get the wrong impression.

Anyway, goodbye, Thailand. Miss you, baby. I'll see you in three and a half weeks for Songkran--huge festival, should be fun. In case you didn't know, the last two weeks in Thailand were spent ol' Brett and Denise Magnuson. They dipped their toes in Thailand's proverbial waters, and its actual waters for that matter. They places we visited were repeats for me, but I was smart enough to save the expensive activities for them. Among the cooler ones, we went ziplining in the jungle canopy and hit up the infamous banana bar on Koh Phi Phi. As most of the photos are on my father's camera (why use two when one is better), I do not have too many to share with you. Nonetheless, the last (maybe) of the Thailand photos. Hopefully these blog post things won't be as rare as they've been.

Here's to at least two days without diarrhea (please please please).


  1. ohhhh banana bar, my truest love.

  2. Brian, I want to go back. Had lots of fun with you.

    Love you,

