Saturday, April 3, 2010

Toot Your Horn for Urinating on Rubbish Piles

Three of the more common uncouth Indian engagements:
  1. Trash Everywhere -- It is actually unbelievable how much trash is scattered around the streets (not to mention the foothills of the Himalayas). Like Thailand, it is impossible to find a trash receptacle in this country; however, unlike Thailand it is impossible to not see garbage everywhere.
  2. Public Urination -- Men will pee everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE, in this country. On every wall, on every building, on vehicles, on trash piles, on the rail lines, on the wall of the bathrooms, on the streets, there is pee. It is not limited to certain times of day or to types of crowds or by the number of people in the vicinity. Day or night, among women or children or men, with thousands of people around or none, there will be a man peeing nearby.
  3. Incessant Honking of the Horn -- The horns never end. It drives me a little crazy. If there is a person off to the side of the road, not in the path of a car, the horn will be pressed. If there is a traffic jam, and no one is moving, every horn will be pressed. If your vehicle is a bus, press the horn the entire duration of travel so that every person may know where you are. Instead of side view mirrors, the Indians opt for horns. Maybe effective, but terribly grating to my poor little ears.


  1. Public peeing and incessant honking. Sounds like two habits NOT to adopt when you return. 35 days...can't wait.

  2. So apparently littering is okay, good to know.
