Saturday, April 10, 2010

When you have too much money...

Sometimes you reach that point in travelling, especially when you have been very frugal, which I have, when you spend just a little too much on something. Inspired by previous town friend/hiking companion, Jake, my growing desire to fly finally overcame me. I splurged. I figure: it's not too often one is in the Himalayas, and 1500 Rupees really is too much when you do the conversion, about $34 or so. And think of the safety $34 of paragliding promises, especially over the rocky, tree-lined slopes of the southern edge of the largest mountain chain in the world. Oodles.

(This is Manali, by the way.)

Looks exciting, because it was. Fly, human, fly.

1 comment:

  1. Brian,

    Way cool!!! Should have been there. After zip lining this seems like a breeze. See you did get to see snow after all.

    Be safe.

    Love you, Denise
