Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yay! Field Trip!

Take all the excitement associated with field trips in school and turn it inside out, and that's what I got. I discovered quickly that the Thais do not travel the same way I like to travel: long overnight bus rides with a stop for a half hour every hour to eat candy, gazing out the windows at beautiful places without an actual visit, stopping at unexciting places for hours on end, and arriving early (amazing) to places with nothing to do until the event begins. Crazy talk. Or in Thai, literally, baa baa baw baw.

I found out quickly why I was on the trip, but the reason had eluded me until we arrived at the Teacher's conference where only Thai was spoken. I was a very pretty decoration. I posed for pictures. For four days on my long weekend. My official Thailand job description: model (but one of those substandard models to show that even real people use the product).

But on an extremely positive note, I am the proud owner of a motorbike. Honda Wave. 125cc. Gray. They key to my happiness. :D


  1. You should take every PR picture really stereotypically. With peace signs and winks and all.

    Also, I've never heard of an elementary/middle school over night field trip. Not typical.

    Happy December. It snowed today, finally....

  2. Were you at a pink prom? Buddha's Enlightenment day is coming. Another field trip?

  3. that was how i had to dress for the photo shoots on the field trip...
