Thursday, December 10, 2009

Calcium-fortified! Food with a Crunch!

Now I realize that animals have bones, I feel I should point out my knowledge of that fact sooner as opposed to later. I question, however, the knowledge of the Thai people with regard to this fact. Sure, they may use the bones to fashion tools or to pick teeth (...I think I may be thinking Native Americans from history class, but whatever), and that is all fine and good, but they seem to ignore this fact whenever they cook their delicious (Thai = aroi), delicious food.

Okay, when you cook a fish whole, it's understandable that their are bones. When you fry pieces of chicken, it's understandable that there are bones. And even with large pieces of meat, it's understandable that there might be bones. However, when you mince pork, I shouldn't be expected to have to fear biting into a small shard of well-disguised apatite. When I eat a seafood soup, there shouldn't be more bones in the fish than there is meat. What makes this bone situation especially annoying is how well they (the bones) are disguised. The spices and oils change the color of the vegetables and meats until they are, for all practical purposes, unrecognizable. This mealtime surprise factor overjoys my wittle heart and my wittle teef.

Strangest Thai Dish (not having to do with bones):
Fat and vegetable soup -- literally, boil vegetables and chunks (one cubic inch) of pork fat in a large bowl.

Strange Thai Eating Habits:
1. Drink milk because you feel inadequate about your height
2. Make everything out of sugar or add sugar to everything
3. Sugar sugar sugar sugar!!!!!

As you should with all of my little tirades, blog readers, take this with a grain of salt. My school seems to be a somewhat abnormal blemish on the Thai landscape, and my words may only reflect it and not Thailand as a whole. Because almost always, I am thrilled by my every moment outside my wittle prison.

Granted, that could be a by comparison thing.

1 comment:

  1. With all the fat, sugar and bones are you gaining weight? Don't outgrow your escape vehicle - a little scooter can only take so much.
