Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Exams and the Twilight Zone Christmas Spectacular

'Tis the season for midterms. I have a feeling that the wonderful students I teach have never taken an exam which actually assesses their learning ability. "Teach-ERRRR!!! Very hard!!!!" they all whined. And when one covers only 3 vocabulary lists and 2 grammar topics in two months, one would think that the cumulative test wouldn't be so bad. Here is the most challenging of the midterm examinations I gave yesterday (I am having trouble getting an image, so I am copying and pasting. The bonus point activity at the end was a boggle square).

Name __________________
Nickname __________________
Date __________________

Midterm Examination – M2 EP (65 Points)
English: Teacher Brian James

Spelling: Listen and spell the words spoken aloud. (8 points)

[8 words: switch, boring, comfortable, slither, window, awful, depressing, kick]

Matching: Match the word with the correct definition or description. (8 points)

1. ______ leap
2. ______ terrific
3. ______ key
4. ______ smash
5. ______ sprint
6. ______ frightened
7. ______ puzzled
8. ______ crawl
a. Very good
b. To run very fast
c. Afraid
d. To jump very high or far
e. It is used in a lock to unlock
f. A baby does this
g. Confused
h. To crush or bash something

Drawing: Draw a picture of the following sentence. (3 points)
The hero freezes the villain (bad person).

Emotions: Underline the correct word in the following sentences. (6 points)
1. Peem feels (irritated/irritating).
2. I was (amazed/amazing) by the (amazed/amazing) movie.
3. Peemai is (excited/exciting) that the (frustrated/frustrating) test is almost over.
4. Naja was (scared/scary) in his Halloween costume.

Questions and There is/There are: Fill in the blanks with who, what, where, when, how, is, are, or there. (14 points)
1. Q: ____ ________ a bathroom in your house? A. Yes, there is.
2. Q: ______ far ____ Lampang from here? A: Lampang is 130 km from here.
3. Q: ______ country ______ you from? A: I am from France.
4. Q: ______ _______ your best friend? A: My best friend is Jerry.
5. Q: _____ _______ any fish in the lake? A: Yes, there are.
6. Q: _______ _____ your best friend? A: She is in Chiang Mai.
7. Q: ________ _____ your classes? A: They are at 3:00pm and 4:00pm.

Sentences: Label each word in the following sentences with adverb (adv), adjective (adj), noun (n), verb (v), preposition (prep.), coordinating conjunction (coord conj), article (art), subjective personal pronoun (spp), infinitives (inf), direct object (DO), or object of preposition (OP). Underline the subject once, underline the verb twice. Circle all objects. Box prepositional phrases. (12 points)

1. I want to go to the store and buy fried bananas.
2. Jack, Jill, and I traveled in a very small car to a very small town between the mountains.
3. Euro slowly ate her food and went to the dormitory to sleep.

Instructions: Answer the following question. (2 points)
1. What two things does the setting tell about?

Writing: Write 5 sentences about your comic using correct grammar. (12 points)

Bonus Points:
Instructions: Find as many words as you can with 3 letters or more. The same rules apply as before. (# words / 3, then rounded up to nearest integer)


Scores for the exam:
Low: 40%
High: 99%
Median: 77%
Standard Deviation: 13%

--Write 5 sentences about your comic using correct grammar--
"My hero name is super one. He is lion and can speak. He like to sleep in the kitchen and eat sweet. He born with his power. I don't know where he from but he don't want to go back. He help me from the taller man with blue eyes!!!!!"

Good to know that I am held in such high regard.

Thailand is primarily Buddhist. Almost enough said. Pictures from the Christmas Celebration at the school:

The costume contest.

The singing and dancing.

Merry Christmas, all!


  1. "Drawing: Draw a picture of the following sentence. (3 points)
    The hero freezes the villain (bad person)."

    With my freeze ray, I will stop the world... I hope this is from Dr. Horrible:)

    Dear Brian, the merriest of merry Christmases to you. Enjoy the islands in the land of smiles. Miss you lots.

  2. Those blue eyes are getting you in trouble. We wish you a wonderful holiday getaway. Your family misses you and loves you. Merry Christmas. Remember the sun screen!

  3. Hi Brian
    Hope you are having a great vacation.
    Happy New Year!!!

  4. haha great story brian

    ps im using a 4 year old blogger account

