Thursday, November 5, 2009

Learn Me Good

Just a quick set questions for you all out there in cyberspace. Leave a comment. I would appreciate the help.

What did you like most about learning in middle school?
What lessons or activities engaged you most?
What lessons did you hate the most?
What did your hormone-driven mind want to think about (appropriate for school, please)?

1 comment:

  1. What did you like most about learning in middle school?

    Moving from class to class and very different course work. I most enjoyed history and science classes.

    What lessons or activities engaged you most?

    We did a year long project on a social issue of our choice. At the end of the year (and 30 legit sources) we had to give a 30 minute presentation. I think this activity prepared me for college more than anything I did in high school.

    What lessons did you hate the most?

    I hated algebra homework - especially if it was graded very nitpicky - IE: points off for no labels on graphs or units etc. Not that those things aren't important, but I didn't like that that ommission effected my grades.

    What did your hormone-driven mind want to think about (appropriate for school, please)?

