Monday, February 1, 2010

Remember when I thought I was an English teacher?

I started off as a new teacher in a foreign land, disillusioned into believing that I could change the whole education system. Brought to Earth, I set my goals more realistically when I hoped to help a few students in my classes. Then, I quickly realized that there were more important things than being an English teacher. I became more of a babysitter-camp counselor hybrid to bring home the paycheck, biding my time until my big break. A bribe here, a quickie in the office there, and just like that, I was a movie star. "The White Guy" in the feature film of the year, even the angels sang praises.

At the top, I could do anything and go anywhere, and of course I easily transitioned into the modeling world and dazzled the masses. But I lost control. The fame eventually got to my head and it all came crashing down during a week of binge eating and crying out to my classes through the sobs, "I am beautiful, waahhhh..." all with yellow cake on my chin. I retreated into my room fearful of light and awaited my transformation. This week I emerged again, chest proudly puffed, as I took on the new role: host and tour guide to American visitors.

I have to say, compared to most of the other weird tasks at the school, this one was quite enjoyable. I got to eat special lunches at the school because the Americans couldn't know what the actual lunches were like, I got to travel to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai for free and visit a few places I haven't been along with some repeats, and I got to hang out with Zach and Clare, who were both intellectually stimulating and enjoyable individuals. In this post are some pictures of our workweek adventures, for which I missed half of my week's classes on an order/suggestion from the principal. Strangely enough, the Americans were here to visit the principal, who stayed at their home in America a few years ago but he went to Korea instead of meeting with his invited guests. Oh well, crazy Thais. I benefited from this one. Since I am being way too positive: Ugh! We drove so much! (We really did. 8 or 9 hours in a day to see a few different places.)

Since my metamorphosis, my step seems to possess a new spring. Still as I approach stardom again, I proceed with caution. I will keep my pride and manic behavior in line. I will I will I will I will I will.

(Yes, that is an elephant drop kicking a soccer ball.)


  1. I miss you in my life. This blog is a great read though. And such pretty pictures.

  2. I agree with Ian. The new pics are awesome, and I miss you. The Principle chose the right tour guide. By the way review the use of 'a' 'an' in your title Mr. English Teacher.
